Installing Syncro Agent on Mac

  1. When it finishes downloading, double click the SyncroDesktop-[[XXXXX]].pkg file to launch it.
  2. Follow the installation prompts.
  3. During the installation, you will likely be prompted to enable Full Disk Access (Mojave 10.14 and newer) and/or Screen recording (High Sierra 10.13 and newer) permissions. Next to Full Disk Access, click Enable.
  4. If it does not automatically open the Security & Privacy settings, click Provide permissions.
  5. In the Security & Privacy settings, you will see a SyncroMSP setting. Click the checkbox to its left to enable it.
    1. If you do not see SyncroMSP listed inside Full Disk Access, click the + below the list (you may need to unlock the lock in the lower left first to do this).
    2. Click the drive selector at the top and select Macintosh HD.
    3. Click Library > Application Support > SyncroMSP > SyncroMSP.
    4. Click Open.
  6. Go back to Syncro and, if it is there (it likely won’t be on macOS 10.13 and 10.14), by Screen recording click Enable.
  7. If this Screen Recording dialog appears, click Open System Preferences.

  8. Just like you did for Full Disk Access, check the box to the left of SyncroMSP for Screen Recording.
  9. Once you have enabled the permissions, the Provide permissions dialog will change to your logo and you may close it.

Enable Splashtop access on a Mac?
This portion may not work for 10-15 minutes after installing the agent as described above.

  1. In System Preferences, go to the Security & Privacy settings > Privacy.
  2. In the lower left, if the lock is locked, click it to unlock it and enter your password.
  3. You will click each of the below categories and then enable the Splashtop for RMM setting.
    1. Accessibility
    2. Full Disk Access
    3. Screen Recording
  4. If you do not see that Splashtop for RMM setting listed, you will need to manually add it.
    1. Click the + below the list of apps.
    2. Click the drive selector at the top and select Macintosh HD.
    3. Click Applications > Splashtop for RMM.
    4. Click Open.
  5. Once finished, you may click the lock to lock it again if desired.